Ruth was back from co-op on Monday, and had asked if I’d be available to hang out. I called Jackie around 6:30. She said she’d call Ruth to find out when she could come over and watch a movie. Thinking that this would be a quick call, I stuck around near the phone to wait for the return call. After several minutes, however, I decided it would be more fruitful to go do something else. When it got to be nearly 7, I started wondering if she had forgotten me. So I called back. And got a busy signal. I should have known that they’d manage to talk for an extra half hour. I guess I’m still not used to girls. But she soon called back, requesting that I arrive at 8.
They didn’t have any movies I’d necessarily like, so I agreed to bring something. We don’t have a whole lot of movies here, but I found two that might be suitable. I still wanted something I could be more sure we’d all like, though, so I left early and stopped at the library to look around. The trouble is, I don’t usually want to watch a movie unless I know it’s something I’ll enjoy, and it’s hard to tell if it is without having watched it. (Alas, a catch-22.) So, I didn’t end up getting anything.
I got to Jackie’s at 8, but Ruth wasn’t there yet. To pass the time, Jackie started flipping through channels on the TV, and came upon the Disney channel showing the beginning of what I recognized as Holes. I had seen it once before with my youth group at church, so I suggested we watch that. It was still good the second time around. I had seen the movie but not read the book (though I should), while Ruth had read the book but not seen the movie.
Following the movie, Ruth “enlisted my assistance” in moving boxes from her room to her car as part of her relocation. I happily obliged, and we spent the better part of an hour moving things (and watching the fish tank drain).
Ruth: I think I can handle the rest myself.
Tim: Done exploiting me?
Ruth: That’s what friends are for, eh?
Earlier in the day I had read in Our Daily Bread about how God orchestrates both the big things and the little things in our lives. It included a story of how some children and their parents, after parting ways in a large amusement park, were unexpectedly reunited at just the right time. I realized on the way home that God had done the same sort of details work for me tonight. I had wanted to watch something that would be enjoyable for all three of us, so I was worried about what I could bring that would accomplish that. But in the end, there was no need to worry, since God provided a movie I hadn’t even thought of that fit my desires. On top of that, He gave me the opportunity to be useful and help Ruth. It was a good night. Thanks, God.
Aw, that’s really cool! God knows what we need way before we think of it. I love the way He blesses us in the little things.![](/Images/happy.gif)
I’m glad you had an enjoyable night. 🙂
I love “Holes.” I read the book before I saw the movie. Both are excellent, in my opinion, though I definitely like the book better. There’s also a sequel called “Small Steps” that I haven’t had the opportunity to read yet.
Go read!
it’s good that you can see god acting in everything – don’t even lose or give that up